티스토리 뷰


VCSA 6 Health Status Error

OLDMAN 2016. 10. 28. 14:44

증상 : 

vcsa 6의 상태표시기 "Critical" 이다.

이유 : 

확인결과 Disk의 사용율이 100%이다.

해결 : 

Step 2: Enable SSH and Bash Shell

Step 3: Login as root and type "shell" at Command> shell

Step 4: df -h (Check if it's out of space)

/dev/mapper/core_vg-core               50G   50G     0 100% /storage/core

Step 5: Stop the services of VCSA: 

hostname: # service vmware-vpxd stop
hostname: # service vmware-vpxd status (make sure it is stopped)

Step 6:  cd /storage/core

Step 7: rm -rf *.tgz

Step 8: service vmware-vpxd restart
