티스토리 뷰

현재 환경정보

Vcenter : vcenter appliance Build 3154314

Host : esxi 5.5 build 3248547

View admin : view connection server 5.3.0 build-1427931

View Composer : view composer 5.3.5

“view composer disk fault disk customization failed due to an internal error” error 메시지

      뿌리며 recompose나 신규 pool생성 안됨.

   - vcenter에서는 vm생성후 바로 삭제되는 증상 발행.


장애발생 행위
운영중인 서버(호스트)의 보안패치 적용(5.5 1331820 à VMware ESXi, 5.5.0, 3248547 )


보안패치가 적용되면서 SSLv3 통신에 대한 Disable로 인한 문제.


   - workaround방법으로 SSLv3 통신 enable (Vmware 권고)

   - esxi 호스트에 대한 수정


Caution: These steps expose the security vulnerabilities with SSLv3. This issue is resolved in VMware View 6.2, available at VMware Downloads. For more information, see VMware Horizon 6 version 6.2 Release Notes.

The SSLv3 support can be enabled for these ports and services:

CIM Port 5989

Authd Service Port 902

Enabling support for SSLv3 on CIM Port 5989 in ESXi

Create a backup copy of the /etc/sfcb/sfcb.cfg file.

Edit the /etc/sfcb/sfcb.cfg file to append the following line at the end of the file:

enableSSLv3: true

Note: If you have the line enableSSLv3: false in the file, change it to enableSSLv3: true

For Example: 

[root@blr7-7th-dhcp-45-136:~] cat /etc/sfcb/sfcb.cfg

# Generated by sfcb-config.py. Do not modify this header.

# VMware ESXi 6.0.0 build-3029758


basicAuthLib: sfcBasicPAMAuthentication

certificateAuthLib: sfcCertificateAuthentication

cimXmlFdHardLimit: 1024

cimXmlFdSoftLimit: 512




threadStackSize: 524288

useChunking: true


enableSSLv3: true

Restart the SFCBD service with the command: 

/etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog restart

Enabling support for SSLv3 on Authd service 902 in ESXi

Create a backup copy of the /etc/vmware/config file 

Edit the /etc/vmware/config file to append the following line at the end of the file:

vmauthd.ssl.noSSLv3 = "FALSE"

Note: If you have the line vmauthd.ssl.noSSLv3 = "true" in the file, change it to vmauthd.ssl.noSSLv3 = "FALSE"

For Example: 

[root@w1-fiqabj-003:~] cat /etc/vmware/config

libdir = "/usr/lib/VMware"

authd.proxy.nfc = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfc"

authd.proxy.nfcssl = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfcssl"

authd.proxy.vpxa-nfcssl = "vmware-vpxa:vpxa-nfcssl"

authd.proxy.vpxa-nfc = "vmware-vpxa:vpxa-nfc"

authd.fullpath = "/sbin/authd"

vmauthd.ssl.noSSLv3 = "FALSE"

Restart the rhttpproxy service with the command: 

/etc/init.d/rhttpproxy restart



   - 운영중인 horizon view에 대한 버전업그레이드 (5.3 à 6.2) 
