티스토리 뷰

vmware view 5.0환경에서 recompose 시 아래와 같은 오류시 해결방법이다.

원인은 마스터이미지의 ID값과 Pool의 ID값이 달라 발생한다고 한다.

1. view conposer 가 설치된 서버(vcenter)에서 SQL Server Management Studio를 오픈한다.

2. error가  발생한 VM의 정보를 찾는다.


select * from dbo.SVI_SIM_CLONE where vm_name = 'Error VM_NAME'

3. error VM 배포풀의 ID를 찾는다.


4. VC_CONFIG_ID 를 찾아  업데이트 한다.

USE view_composer
SET VC_CONFIG_ID = "correct_id
WHERE VC_CONFIG_ID = "incorrect_id"

Recompose or refresh of linked clone pools fail after upgrade of VMware View(1030996)


After upgrading VMware View: 
  • Recompose or refresh operation on pools created in the earlier version fails.
  • New pools can be created and recompose or refresh on these pools are successful.
  • Recompose operations fail with one of these errors:
    • VMware.Sim.Fault.InvalidOperationFault, NonCompatibleDeploymentGroup
    • Failed to authenticate to VC


This issue may occur if there are multiple VC_CONFIG_ID values in the VMware View Composer database pointing to the same vSphere Server.


Editing the Deployment Group setting to use the correct VC_CONFIG_ID resolves this issue. The correct VC_CONFIG_ID is the one associated with the new pools created after the upgrade.
To edit the Deployment Group setting:

Note: Backup the VMware View Composer database and stop the View Composer service before making any changes.

  1. Open the VMware View Composer Database using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Right-click dbo.SVI_VC_CONFIG_ENTRY and click Open Table.
  3. There should be multiple rows in this table. Make note of the ID and SERVICE_ENDPOINT entries.
  4. Determine which rows are used for the pre-upgrade pools and which are used by new pools.
    1. Right-click dbo.SVI_SIM_CLONE and click Open Table.
    2. From column VM_NAME determine the DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_ID for the old and new pools.

      Note: Alternatively, you can run this script if you have a large number of VM_NAME entries:

      /* This SQL script will assist in searching for the DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_ID in a Composer Database */
      /* Replace view_composer with the actual View Composer database name below */
      USE view_composer
      SELECT * from dbo.SVI_SIM_CLONE WHERE VM_NAME = 'vm-name'
  5. Right-click dbo.SVI_DEPLOYMENT_GROUP and click Open Table.
  6. Locate the DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_ID for old pools from step 4 in the ID column of the dbo.SVI_DEPLOYMENT_GROUP table. 

    Note: Alternatively, you can run this script if you have a large number of DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_ID entries:

    /* This SQL script will assist in searching the VC_CONFIG_ID used for the VM in the Composer Database */
    /* Replace view_composer with the actual View Composer database name below */
    USE view_composer
    /* Replace 'ffaa62618-8cff-b2f0-e965a2c34c29' with the actual DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_ID from Query in step 4 */
    SELECT * from dbo.SVI_DEPLOYMENT_GROUP WHERE ID ='ffaa62618-8cff-b2f0-e965a2c34c29'

  7. For each row with a match, verify that the VC_CONFIG_ID is pointing to the old value of VC_CONFIG_ID.
  8. Change the value of the VC_CONFIG_ID from the pre-upgrade value to the correct VC_CONFIG_ID value. 

    Note: Alternatively, to update VC_CONFIG_ID, run this SQL script:

    USE view_composer
    SET VC_CONFIG_ID = "correct_id
    WHERE VC_CONFIG_ID = "incorrect_id"

  9. Close Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  10. Recompose pools.
Note: In SQL 2008, there is no Open Table option. When using SQL 2008, use the Edit Top 200 Rows option. To view more than 200 entries, click Tools > Options > SQL Server Object Explorer and change the value for Edit Top <n> Rows command. Setting the value to 0displays all rows.
