티스토리 뷰

VDR로 백업을 받으면서 몇일전부터 백업이 되질 않는다.

확인 결과 storage의 무결성체크에서 error가 떨어진다.

1. Restore의 복구포인트를 삭제해준다.

   (failed가 난 VM의 restore를 제거)

2. 무결성검사를 두번 돌린다.

3. 재부팅한다.

Running a manual integrity check on a VMware Data Recovery deduplication store(1029296)


This article provides instructions on running a manual integrity check on a VMware Data Recovery (VDR) deduplication store.


To run a manual integrity check:
Note: This process takes longer for larger datastores or shares.
  1. Connect to the VMware Data Recovery appliance in your vCenter Server client.
  2. Click the Configuration tab and select destinations.
  3. Select a deduplication store.
  4. Select Integrity check in the top-right corner.

    Note: Alternatively, right-click on the deduplication store, and click Integrity check.

  5. Select Yes to initiate a manual integrity check, when prompted.
You can monitor the progress of your integrity check under the Reports tab in running tasks.

Note: A manual integrity check is required to remove the damaged restore points on the deduplication store. Ensure to mark them for deletion before running your integrity check.
To mark the damaged restore points for deletion:
  1. Open VDR.
  2. Click the Restore tab.
  3. Expand the virtual machine which has the damaged restore point and click the checkbox for that virtual machine.
  4. Right-click the damaged restore point and click Mark for Delete.
  5. Run the manual integrity check twice. You need to do a double integrity check in this case.
Note: During a manual integrity check, backup, and restore jobs are not run.

For more information, see the VMware Data Recovery Administration Guide.
