티스토리 뷰

이 같은 경우 MS SQL의 리포팅서비스나 IIS가 잡고 있는경우가 있다.

이를 서비스에서 해제한후 설치한다.

Port already in use when installing VMware vCenter Server 4.x / 5.x (4824652)


  • During vCenter Server configuration, the availability of TCP/UDP ports is verified
  • When the vCenter Server Web service is installed and one of the selected ports is in use, you see this error:

    Invalid Virtual Infrastructure Web Service https port number or TCP/IP port in use

  • The vpxd.log file of vCenter Server may contain one of these error messages:
    • Failed to create https proxy: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.
    • [VpxdReverseProxy] Failed to create http proxy: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions
    • [VpxdReverseProxy] Failed to create http proxy: Resource is already in use:


This error is seen when another service is already listening on the configured TCP/UDP port on the Microsoft Windows system where VMware vCenter Server is installed. By default, vCenter Server uses ports 80 and 443.

  1. Determine the service listening on the configured port. For more information on determining TCP/UDP port usage, see Determining if a port is in use (1003971).

    Note: See the Additional Information section for example common services on these ports:

  2. If the conflicting service cannot be stopped or disabled, configure vCenter Server to use different ports. For more information about VMware application TCP/UDP port usage, see TCP and UDP Ports for vCenter Server, ESX hosts, and other network components management access (1012382).

Additional Information

Examples of common services on these ports include:
